Leadership Opportunities
以下机会要么是志愿者,要么包括小额津贴. 所有这些机会将帮助学生获得宝贵的领导经验.
First-Year Fellows
一年级十大赌博正规老平台员是住在一年级宿舍的高年级学生,通过指导和指导来提高一年级学生的学业成就. They further serve as guides to connect students to appropriate academic resources on campus; they provide tips and education to assist in the academic preparedness and acclimation of first-year students to college life.
As part of the program, 所有第一年的十大赌博正规老平台员都住在第一年生活区的一个房间里,并将获得500美元的津贴,分两期支付(每次250美元),以支付学期账单, one payment in the fall semester and the other in the spring. Students can contact the First-Year Fellows by emailing freshmanfellows@gmail.com.
The application for the 2024-2025 academic year is now open!
D 'Lion组织成立于1957-58年,是最古老的组织之一, continuous student organizations on campus. 它在支持学生和参与十大赌博正规老平台市社区服务方面有着令人自豪的历史.
D 'Lions生活在整个一年级区域,帮助生活在这些区域的学生感觉十大赌博正规老平台是家. Our Mission Statement:罗彻斯特大学的D 'Lions帮助一年级学生适应大学,通过建立关系,并将学生与社区资源和活动联系起来,以获得平衡的大学体验. Check out our Instagram @rochesterdlions.
我们很高兴与大家分享,成为达狮的机会就在这里! Applications are live!
Come learn more info and get to know current D’Lions at our Meet and Greet on February 3rd 12pm-1pm in Friel Lounge located in the Susan B Anthony Residence Hall.
Students with questions may contact the D'Lions Rochesterdlions@gmail.com or their Advisor Ryan Pallas rpallas@ur.syria-events.com.
Upper-Class EcoReps
高年级生态团队是一群对可持续发展充满热情的在校学生,他们在学期中参加一学分的课程,并参与我们的一年级课程和校园内的其他环境组织. 上层生态项目允许学生在整个大学生涯中通过课堂讲座继续参与可持续发展, activities, and student-led projects throughout the year.
上层生态团队还担任第一年项目的学生导师,并可以选择专注于环境教育或不同轨道的基于项目的学习. 如果你对可持续发展的新主题感兴趣, engaging in meaningful discussion with your peers, 并培养作为校园可持续发展大使的领导技能, consider applying for Upper-Class EcoReps!
If you have any questions about the program, please contact urecoreps@gmail.com or visit the EcoRep website.
Residence Hall Association
RHA通过培养领导者和通过共同赞助维持包容性社区,代表宿舍和所有校园学生, student recognition, and additional support services. 我们与霍尔委员会和特殊利益住房组织密切合作.
如果您对RHA有任何疑问或想申请,请联系 leadershipga@ur.syria-events.com or visit the RHA website.
Leadership Representatives
十大赌博正规老平台有七个由学生领导的地区领导委员会. 每个委员会都由学生领导代表服务,他们致力于通过有计划的规划工作来改善社区和居民的生活和学习体验. 他们还代表会馆倡导改善社区的生活条件.
Area Councils are your opportunity to lead where you live! 校园里的每个区域都有一个区域委员会,致力于通过规划活动和倡导改善宿舍来增强宿舍内的社区体验. Responsibilities include:
- Attending General Assembly (weekly)
- Attending their assigned (or appointed) Committee (weekly)
- Running one large, area wide program
- 在这学期中你会每周和指导老师见面直到活动结束吗.
- 全年不少于两周与顾问会面,讨论如何提高该地区的精神和欣赏.
- Implementation of one sprit/recognition initiative (i.e., merchandise item, hall beautification, mural creation, etc.) per year
- 上层阶级地区将有助于在选择住房时宣传他们的地区.
- 必要时参加一次RA员工会议(如果有多个,则为每个员工),以获得RA对精神的反馈, recognition, and advocacy *
- 协助RA在该地区的大型项目(可选)
被提名的学生将通过电子邮件收到申请. Students must submit their applications in early September. 所有被录取的学生必须能够参加强制性的领导能力培训.
有兴趣成为领导力大使的学生可以 apply online. Applications are CLOSED for the 2023-2024 academic year.