Sexual Misconduct and Title IX
If You Have Experienced Physical or Sexual Violence
Reporting options
If you have been assaulted
Helping a friend
Policies & resources
Title IX explained
Your safety is the number one priority. If you have experienced physical or sexual violence, 去一个安全的地方,立即寻求能够帮助你的人的支持. You are not alone. Many people can provide medical and emotional support, 不管你是选择纪律处分还是刑事诉讼.
记住,无论在什么情况下,都不能怪你. Nothing you have done (dress the way you wanted to, drink too much, have sex with the same person before, etc.)证明某人对你进行性侵犯或身体侵犯. 性暴力发生在所有性别、身份和性取向的人身上.
The following are suggested steps to take after an incident
Emergency Response
- University Public Safety: (585) 275-3333 (24 hours)
- Dial #13 on campus blue phones
- 拨打911(警察调度,门罗县紧急通讯)
Seeking Medical Care
It is important to get care as soon as possible. Even if you feel okay, a sexual assault could expose you to a risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and physical trauma, 因此,即使你不希望收集证据,接受医生的检查也很重要. In addition to receiving medical attention, 如果你选择这样做,临床医生可以帮助你收集法医证据. You do not need to file a report to receive medical services.
In Monroe County, New York, a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Center (SAFE Center) 位于埃尔姆伍德大道601号斯特朗纪念医院急诊科.十大赌博正规老平台总医院,波特兰大道1425号.纽约州罗彻斯特市14621,纽约州罗彻斯特市长塘路1555号联合医院14626. The Department of Public Safety can provide transportation.
University Health Service: Physician is on-call when the offices are closed
- River Campus Office: UHS Building, 1st Floor, 585-275-2662
- Medical Center Office: Medical Center, 1-5000, 585-275-2662
- 伊士曼学校办公室:学生生活中心,106室,585-274-1230
- Health Promotion Office: UHS Building, 2nd floor, 585-273-5770
Preserving Physical Evidence
Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester General Hospital, 和团结医院有性侵犯护士审查员(SANE)的工作人员. SANE是一名经过专门培训的注册护士,为在敏感环境中遭受性侵犯的患者提供全面护理, non-threatening manner. The SANE conducts medical forensic examinations, can provide medications and treatment, can preserve biological evidence for a later date, and can serve as an expert witness in a court of law. The SANE program may contact the police, but patients can choose whether or not to talk to the police.
It is important to know
- 在性侵犯护士审查员的检查中,伤情将被评估和治疗. SANE还将讨论可能接触性传播感染的治疗方案, offer HIV post-exposure prophylaxis, 和/或讨论关于紧急避孕的选择(更多信息在本页底部),以防止怀孕.
- If you are able, 在寻求医疗护理之前,尽量避免扰乱或丢弃可能含有攻击者DNA的证据. Do not urinate or defecate; shower, bathe, or douche; brush your teeth or gargle; brush your hair; or throw away clothes worn during the attack. 在经历了创伤之后,采取这些步骤可能非常困难,但如果你决定报案,这样做将有助于保存潜在的证据. 即使你做了这些活动中的一项,你仍然可以参加考试, such as showering. 当你去医院或健康机构做检查时,你可能想要带一套换洗的衣服.
- A friend may accompany you to the Emergency Department.
- A Counselor from RESTORE Sexual Assault Services (585.546.2777)可在急诊科与你会面,为你提供支援.
- 急诊室的性侵犯证据收集包访问费用直接向纽约州犯罪受害者委员会收取. This process allows everyone, 个人是否向大学公共安全部门或警察局报案, to bypass private medical insurance carrier. 这对那些没有医疗保险的人或那些不想让家人知道急诊室就诊的人来说尤其重要.
- 纽约州受害者服务办公室或许能够协助赔偿受害者/幸存者的医疗保健和咨询服务, including emergency compensation. Options can be explored at this website:, or by calling 1-800-247-8035.
- 个人被要求填写一份表格,允许医院通知犯罪受害者委员会,该个人因性侵犯去了急诊室.
Seeking Emotional Support
Whether or not an incident requires medical attention, you may want to seek emotional support as you cope and recover. There is no right or wrong response to an assault. Everyone reacts differently. Some people may experience a strong immediate response, 而另一些人似乎立即就能正常工作,但在事件发生后很长时间才会有反应. It is not unusual to experience depression, anxiety, fear, difficulty trusting others, and self-harming behaviors, as well as many other emotions. Many people can provide support and counsel.
- Talk with friends or family whom you feel safe with.
- 联系RESTORE电话:(585)546-2777与顾问交谈(保密).
- 预约大学咨询中心电话:(585)275-3113(保密).
- If you are an employee, 联系员工援助计划(EAP)的顾问,电话:(585)276-9110(保密).
- Explore more resources
- 现在寻求帮助可以帮助减少攻击对你生活的影响.
Fill out an Initial Sexual Misconduct Report Form
提交报告为你提供了一种举报性行为和基于性别的不当行为的方法, discrimination, harassment, and violence.
如果你不想提交一份正式的报告,你不需要在表格上包括你的名字或其他相关人员的名字, 但这确实可以让大学捕捉到发生的事情的信息,以防你将来想要做报告.
如果你决定进行纪律处分或刑事诉讼, 无论是在大学司法系统内部,还是在十大赌博正规老平台警察局或门罗县警长办公室外部.
Julia Green,民权合规副总裁兼第九条协调员(电话:585-275-1654电子邮件:
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception (EC),有时被称为“事后避孕药”或“B计划”,可以在怀孕开始之前停止怀孕. 这是一种在性行为后服用的药物,以减少怀孕的机会. 有些人可能会服用避孕药,如果避孕套破裂或在性交过程中滑落, a birth control pill was missed, or no birth control method was used. 如果尽快采取紧急避孕措施是最有效的,但可以在无保护的性行为后三天(或72小时)内使用.
Obtaining Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception (EContra One-Step)可在保健处初级保健处以较低的价格购买,而且不需要处方. No appointment is needed. Visit the UHS website to learn more about EC options and how to obtain them.